2023 Kidding Schedule
PLEASE NOTE: This page is a continuous work in progress and breeding partners may be switched right up to the day of breeding.
Kids will be added to the KID PAGE as they arrive and are pending reservation confirmation; all remaining available kids will also be posted on the FOR SALE page.
Please visit our SALES POLICY page for details related to purchasing animals from us.
If you are new to goats, please see our BASIC CARE & GENERAL INFO page as well as the FAVORITE LINKS page for helpful information to prepare for bringing your new goats home!
Kid prices are $150 for wethers and doe/buck prices start at $400. Kid pricing varies depending on conformation, genetics, and any sire's/dam's accomplishments (LA score, milk production, and any show titles or designations such as Superior Genetics or Elite status). I do not breed for nor do I charge extra for "bling" such as blue eyes, wattles, moonspots or polled goats, they're just an added bonus. Price per animal will be updated as kids are born, evaluated and placed on the Kid Page for any kids not reserved before birth.
Sunset Knoll reserves all rights at first selection for each kidding and final selection will be determined after kidding. Sunset Knoll also reserves the right to cancel any sale or reservation at any time.
We test annually for CL/CAE/Johne's Disease and maitain a clean, negative herd. Any new animals brought into the herd are from tested herds and are tested again upon arrival. Our latest results can be viewed HERE.
All due dates are approximate!
Clicking on any of the photos below will take you to that goat's individual page for more detailed information.
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: October 9, 2022
Due: March 3, 2023
Kidded: March 3, 2023
3 Does - 1 or 2 does will be retained
Does/Buck - $500
Notes: 5th freshening. Excellent genetics on both sides! *Owner to retain a doe, maybe 2*
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: October 10, 2022
Due: March 4, 2023
Kidded: March 6, 2023
1 Doe/2 Bucks
Does - $400
Bucks - TBD
Notes: Cocoa's 3rd freshening. This is a repeat breeding from 2021. Cocoa had a very nice single buck from this cross, hoping for some girls this time around!
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: October 11, 2022
Due: March 5, 2023
Kidded: March 5, 2023
Does - $450
Bucks - N/A
Notes: Taffy's 4th freshening. This is a repeat breeding that gave me Sunset Knoll BH Pop Rocks! *Owner may retain a doe*
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: October 30, 2022
Due: March 24, 2023
Born: March 24, 2023
2 Does/1 Buck - 1 Doe may be retained.
Does - $400
Bucks - N/A
Notes: Poppy's 1st freshening. Very excited for my first Hawk daughter to freshen! *Owner may retain a doe*
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: October23, 2022
Due: March 17, 2023
Born: March 19, 2023
2 Does
Polled / Wattles
Does - $400
Bucks - N/A
Notes: Misty's 1st freshening. I've waited patiently to breed this girl and her FF udder did not disappoint! She's displaying a beautiful udder that milks out so well with her soft texture and large orifices! I've updated a photo on her individual page.
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: December 9, 202 2Due: May 3, 2023
Born: April 30, 2023
1 Doe/3 Buck - Doe may be retained.
Does - $450
Bucks - N/A
Notes: Prim's 1st freshening. *Owner may retain a doe*
- Dam -
- Sire -
Kidding Info
Planned Pedigree
Potential Extras
Bred: February 20,2023
Does - $450
Bucks - N/A
Notes: Phoebe's 2nd freshening. I loved everything about the single kid produced from this pair in 2022 except that he was not a doe! This is my "Take 2" for a doe kid from this breeding. *Owner may retain a doe*