Boston Terrier Puppies
I'm assuming that if you've made it this far, you've done some research on the characteristics of Boston Terriers so I won't go into too much detail on that. If not, here are a couple of links to get you started with more in depth information. While I find them to be amazing little companions, it's very important to make sure that this breed is a good match for YOU and YOUR lifestyle. AKC.org / DogBreedInfo.com / BostonTerrierSociety.org
Friendly, amusing, loyal & loves to cuddle - amazing family dogs
Small & compact
Moderate energy level
Intelligent and easily trained
Good for city or county living
Require light grooming, shed minimally & don't have a strong dog odor
Relatively quiet - they aren't yappy or prone to excessive barking
Can be stubborn and take longer to housetrain
Can be sensitive
Can be prone to obesity, eye and respiratory issues
Flatulence, snoring and/or occasional drooling
Due to their short muzzles they don't respond well to long workouts or extreme heat
They are in-door dogs and they don't have the proper coat to protect them against the elements
Terrible guard dogs - they may alert you that someone is visiting but that's it.
Often suffer from allergies requiring a diet that aids in digestion & skin/coat care
A gentle but stern handling/training
Stimulation and proper exercise to keep them from being too high strung, about 30-60 minutes a day
Proper nutrition and immunizations
Socialization with people and other animals
Due to their thin coats, they like a warm coat or sweater in cold winter temperatures
Lots of love, security and snuggles!
Puppy Socialization Info: HERE
Shown below is the most recent litter(s) with the availability of each pup. Please make sure to visit our Puppy Purchasing page.
~ Litters Pending or Available ~
Dam: SK's Lucy-Licious (CKC)
Sire: Remington (a Blue Fawn of Roley Poley Frenchies carrying Chocolate, Coco, and Fluffy)
Status: AI'd 10/26 - Ultrasound Pending
Due: 12/28/22
Breed: Frenchton (50/50)
Litter Registration: N/A
Puppy Price: $1,200
Boys Born:
Girls Born:
Wait List:
Owner (female)